Saturday, September 22, 2012

If its meant to be, it will happen

Howdy all ! I know it's been way too long since I visited this page of mine. I apologise to all...if there's even anyone reading this space of mine haha

Anyhow, my internship just commenced about a week ago, 12 September 2012. It's been tough waking up early in th morning but my body clock is slowly tuning in to th timing. So, all is good! Well, just to share a little about my job. I'm working at Mediacorp under th publishing department and I must say it has been what I thought I wanted to do. Yes, thought. Although I'm assigned to magazines I'm interested in, I don't really feel its th job I would want to do in future. Cos firstly, most of the time i'll be doing admin, which I don't mind, at first. I do learn about promo pages and how it works and all. But mostly what I do is basically admin work and collecting prizes and passing it to th reception area.....its getting boring doing it almost everyday with only me doing a body copy once. Secondly, I do not really learn much about marketing. As in I can't really apply most of what I've learnt. And lastly, nothing to do with th job, just my rant. I need to walk a 10mins distance from where I stop which can be a healthy thing but a very tiring one. However, it's only th first week. Hopefully more events will come by cos I will then be able to experience first hand on how th event runs and be at the event myself hehe Praying hard I will be able to learn something "more meaningful" while interning here cos I really do want to learn more and absorb as much as I can while I'm still *ehem* young hehe

Well....that's all for now. Will be blogging quite randomly from now on. This post I'm typing, is with me lying in th dark waiting for my sis to come home with my Honey milk tea! :)

Oh and did I mention. Weekends are th most precious thing for me now! Have to seize both my Sat and Sun!! And I did that today by staying home and watching Hindustan hahaha so much for seizing th day! Have a great weekend guys!

Before I leave, below are just some very overdue photos of how I spent my birthday! Enjoy ! ;)

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