Hi y'all! I hope everyone's having a great weekend since it was a pretty long one after a while. Mine was spent fruitfully with all the 3 days used up just as planned or should I say it went very well since everyday there was at least something to look forward to.
My Friday was spent at both grandparents' places. Though all we did was dressed really casual and eat, it was still a day not to be missed. Managed to eat awesomegasmic food like roti kirai, Nutella sponge cake, lontong with my grandma's special soft succulent daging and some kuih-muih. The day turned out pretty good I must say minus going to my dad's side with Foster the people shirt + jeans when everyone else were in their Baju kurungs. Oppsy! But I still managed to catch up a little with my dearest cousin, Syazana since god knows when. Just a quick brief about us. We've been behaving pretty awkward around one another. It's not th same as before and I'm still figuring out why cos we used to be very close :/ Saddens me to know that we are not anymore. But nevertheless, I'm happy for her! Cos she is seeing someone now huhu and I know she's happy. So that makes me happy like bird too! :) Also, my grandparents are super cute cos they each gave me and my siblings 20 bucks each so $40 in total at different timings of the day, 1 in th morning and the other when we came to visit them at night. Yay! I'm not that broke anymore plus I will be getting my pay on the 31st!! Yippeeeee! I've been pretty depress being broke you know. Not that money is all I think about but just having a sign of relieve buying/spending my hard earn money as a reward for surviving work haha it makes me go.... Aaahhhhhh ;) and not forgetting earning that god damn money by spending most of my time staring at th laptop, running around like mad, calling out to people and just everything work related. It's tiring but it, literally, pays off :)
Saturday was spent solely on Malacca :) It was a 1 day trip yet an eventful one I must say, minus all th Mak ciks hahaha Plus my kitty came along! So it was even great. Highlights of th trip must be watching different types of ceramah in th bus which made me more aware of Islam and also made me fall asleep while listening to it. Not that it was boring cos the Imam Gazi, if I'm not wrong, was hilarious. Loic and I agreed that he reminded us of Cikgu Ahmad hahaha but they played it almost throughout th whole trip and I was very tired and just wanted to sleep for a little while. Nevertheless it was indeed an eye opener for me. Another would be th food. I thought it was gna be like awegasmically good but...eyhh.. It was alright. But the true blue highlight I cannot deny would be the incident at the Mosque. It was damn hilarious I tell you. My sis and I were really laughing our asses off when we had to wear a surgeon-like suit with th raincoat hood and tudung cos th imam didn't let us in. The whole process was just really hilarious :'D But I have to say th mosque was magnificent and beautiful. Just wow. Managed to do some shopping and eat A&W too! Overall the day was spent fruitfully and I had so much fun! :) oh and finally, first 2 chops on my new passport!!! More to come hehe
So today, guess what I did?! I.......... stayed home! Yay! Hahaha was down with horrible flu. Took my meds and KOed haha but I really needed my rest. Had to forgo the free tickets from Tim to USS Halloween night. Meh... But at least there was good food at home - longtong and some sambal crabs and prawns hehe
That's all for now! I hope you guys had a great long weekend. Till then!
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